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太赫茲棱鏡 THz Prisms

太赫茲棱鏡 THz Prisms
發布時間:2015-02-25 13:32
地  區:上海>上海市>閔行區
公  司:上海瞬渺光電技術有限公司
聯 系 人:張先生
電  話: 021-34635258
移動電話: 13816254422
傳  真: 021-34635260
地  址: 上海市閔行區都會路2338號總部一號47號樓3樓
郵  編: 201108
 太赫茲棱鏡 THz Prisms     

THz Prisms

Download THz Prisms Datasheet (PDF, 33 KB)

Tydex offers THz prisms of the following configurations:

THz prisms- conventional (right angle) prisms. This type of prism is used in optical schemes.
- attenuated total reflectance (ATR) prisms. Such special prisms allow investigating materials which are difficult to analyze in transmission.

Absorption spectroscopy of materials with intensive absorption becomes practically impossible because of intensive absorption and Fresnel reflection. In this case the most suitable method of investigation absorbing materials is method of frustrated total internal reflection. Such method is based on the effect of reducing of reflection coefficient of radiation from interface between high refractive index medium n0 and absorbing medium with less refractive index n at the angle of incidence that exceeds the critical angle: Θc=arcsin(n/n0). Value of reflection coefficient depends on the angle of radiation incidence, radiation polarization as well as refractive index of the sample. Right choice of prism parameters (specifically base angle of the prism) allows obtaining good ATR spectrum. Method of frustrated total internal reflection in THz range allows investigating materials with absorption coefficients from 102 to 104 cm-1.

Commom specification:


Dimension tolerance, mm+ /-0.2
Angle tolerance, arc. min+/-30
Surface quality polished surfaces, scr/dig80/50
Surface quality of ground surfaces, Ra2.5
Surface accuracy, mm+/- 0.01 deviation from ideal plane


Prisms are manufactured upon request.
For price quotation and delivery please fill in our Request form.
The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.
Please check our Optics stock. 


太赫茲棱鏡 THz Prisms
* 京ICP備06048586號
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